Sims 3 dating mod

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A date and an are two similar scenarios, but Sims cannot be on a date and an outing at the same time. Hunter looks like a winner or at least the least drugged-outso she clicks his picture. This mod allows your Sims to become a sorcerer either good or bad. This is a great mod for anyone who liked the Canning Station from The Sims 3 or who is looking for a new activity for their Sims to enjoy in the game. Using this ask interaction will send Sim home and end the date simultaneously. Allows you to load custom careers for your Sims. The child to adult option has to be activated and there is a penalty the creator of the mod, J. Especially useful if you have a sim fub of a specific ethnicity. Otherwise, the Sim's date will be stood up and will be.

Since Sims 2 was released, fans have been creating mods and sharing them online. The options for mods are pretty diverse. I've seen everything from one for The Sims 2 which added horses to the game and yes, Sims could even ride them— and this was way before the Pets expansion pack added horses to The Sims 3 , to one for The Sims 3 which added in a working ferris wheel. Some are much less complex, just restructuring the regular game files to add in or change things like a Sims 3 mod which allows late night bars to stay open 24 hours instead of closing at 2 a. Whether you're new to the modding world or can't run a Sims game without custom content CC and mods, here are some great Sims 4 mods that every Simmer will want to add to their game! Before we get down to the nitty gritty, you should probably learn how to install a mod into your game. The Sims 4 makes it easier than ever: simply download the mod in question, unzip the files they will typically end in. If you're still stuck with installing mods or need help with troubleshooting, be sure to check out my article, Though all of these mods have been tested and should work functionally with your game, be aware that 3rd party content could potentially cause damage. If you do run into any issues after installation, remove the mod from your game and consider informing its creator about the issue. I can't play my game without this one- and it's a BIG one in the Sims community. It allows your neighborhood to grow and thrive without your direct interaction. You can also add in additional modules which will allow the game to clean up your neighborhood by deleting homeless Sims and ghosts, allowing you to set default makeup and clothes on townies, allows you to delete all vampires or aliens, plus a whole bunch of other options. A lot of Simmers live by this mod, and I can see why: the vanilla game can feel a bit static when the other Sims in your neighborhood don't do anything without you; with the MC Command Center, life goes on whether or not you play each individual household. These first two require the Get to Work expansion pack, but both are well worth adding if you've bought the EP. Thanks to Sims 4 modder extraordinaire, Zerbu, there are now a lot of ways to enjoy working and going to school in The Sims 4, the first of which is the Go to School mod. If you've ever wanted to go to school with your children and teen Sims, here's your chance. The Go to School mod allows you to follow your children or teens to elementary or high school. Your school performance plays a part in your overall grade, so make sure your Sims are working their hardest in class. Don't worry, though— it's not all work and no play. This link will bring you to the newest version, V4, which includes new interactions, NPCs, a teaching career and a lot more : If you want to play without Zerbu's mod, read my article. Many of the previous games had the ability to add new food. Until recently, The Sims 4 modders hadn't figured it out, but now they have. With it, you can download a plethora of choices, like ramen or udon, mini pizzas, soups, dumplings, or breads. Note: You can browse ModTheSims for foods to add, but make sure you have the base mod, Custom Food Interactions, installed in your game FIRST, in order for it to work. Continuing on with the food theme, it's definitely worth highlighting these two mods by the super-talented modder, icemunmun. The first of the two is the. This mod adds in the Canning Station from the Sims 3 and gives your Sims the ability to can 15 different preserves everything from honey spread to mango chutney , which give off some unique buffs when your Sims consume them! There's also a 10-level Canning Skill associated with the mod! This is a great mod for anyone who liked the Canning Station from The Sims 3 or who is looking for a new activity for their Sims to enjoy in the game. This mod brings 10 new cotton candy flavours and buffs to go with all of them. It's definitely worth checking out all of as she does lots of nice food-related ones. You can never have enough food in the game! All iterations of The Sims games have come with careers created by the fans, but The Sims 4 is finally getting a few custom careers of its own. We do have to thank the talented Neia for creating her modding tool, which has allowed modders to easily create customer careers of their own. It's best to just read the descriptions for a full explanation of all the things that were changed, but it's mostly things that will make the careers feel more realistic and seamless during gameplay like increasing the chance of emergencies in the Doctor career, or adding more co-workers to both careers. She's taken the work at home mechanism which comes with the City Living expansion pack and applied it to several base-game careers, including Astronaut, Tech Guru, Painter, Culinary, Entertainer, Business, Athlete, and Writer, so that your Sims can choose whether to go to work each day or stay home and complete tasks. These are some great options for players who enjoy more realistic game play, rather than having Sims who have the outlandish sort of jobs that come in the game I mean, come on- not everyone grows up to be an astronaut or rock star! Check out like Game Developer, Adventurer, Real Estate, Hacker, Nursing, Florist, and Tarot Card Reader! Meanwhile, don't forget checking out ; there's tons of cool careers there too from different modders, including Talk Show Host, Mortician, Dog Walker and Photographer! AdBlocker Is Your Friend! Modders and CC creators have increasingly begun to upload their content onto their own sites instead of ModTheSims for many reasons, but that's another article. There's nothing wrong with that, but you need to be careful, as some creators hide their download links behind a thing called AdFly, or host their downloads on really spammy sites. The best thing is to use AdBlocker when downloading; it'll keep you safe from viruses or overly spammy AdFly pages! Want to give your Sims the lifestyle of the rich and famous? This mod adds tons of new gameplay, including skills Simstagram Skill , fame levels, buffs, new interactions and animations, fans and paparazzi and more! This mod is really fun and in-depth due to all the cool abilities Sacrificial created for it. It feels more like an official expansion pack due to the depth, and is definitely a good pack for anyone who misses the celebrity elements from The Sims 3. Sacrificial also updates the mod regularly and if you subscribe to his Patreon page, you can get updates as soon as he releases them and adds new, fun elements. Are you frustrated that your cats and dogs aren't playable in The Sims 4? Well, you can download and play as your cat and dog! If you miss the fairies from The Sims 3, don't worry- talented modder, Nyx has brought them back in a new and unique way with their This mod adds the ability to play as a fairy in The Sims 4! Nyx worked really hard on this mod and it shows- there's tons of buffs, new interactions, abilities and fun elements which makes it feel like an exciting addition to the game. If you're looking for another supernatural-themed mod, then you should definitely try out the! This mod allows your Sims to become a sorcerer either good or bad! You can manipulate the freewill of other Sims, work on the Black Arts Skill or the White Arts Skill, choose to devote yourself to the Light or Dark side, have a magical connection between other Sims, and even Teleport! This is another really well developed mod with tons of abilities, traits, skills, and more that'll give you hours of additional game play! I don't know about you, but I've been dying for The Sims 4 to create a beach vacation world. Thankfully, while we wait for the official beach world to come out if it ever does , we can play with Nandos and SimsFans'! This mod needs The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat game pack to work, and once you install it, it'll transform Granite Falls into Granite Beach! The mod replaces the woodsy exterior of Granite Falls into a tropical destination, with beaches, waterfalls and volcanoes in the distance, sand on the ground, and even new beach-themed lots. I really love this mod! I don't keep it in my game all the time, but I love putting it in when my Sims want to take a tropical vacation and relax on the beach! Sims 4 modders have been creating custom traits and aspirations for quite some time now, and there are TONS out there. This mod adds 4 new aspirations to the game, which go with the Get to Work careers, Detective, Doctor and Scientist, and a bonus Frankenstein aspiration. All of these aspirations come with new interactions and buffs, and really add some new elements and fun to the Go to Work careers! I think this is a great one for teen Sims, and it's just a really fun, realistic detail for the game. These are great new aspirations to add to your game, especially for any Sims 2 fans who miss the aspirations from The Sims 2. As someone who has worked in the Autism community for years, this is one that's near and dear to my heart. This is great for someone who has a hard time picking and choosing aspirations or traits to give their Sims, or for those of us like myself who just use the same traits over and over again, essentially recreating the same Sims with each new game play. This one doesn't add to the actual game play, but it's definitely a must-have if you're a generations-type player, or anyone who plays the game for more than a few days. Here's the thing: The Sims 4 has a huge glitch in it, where it culls deletes Sims from your neighborhood bin. This happens after an in-game week, or when your population reaches over 200. The game does this to keep things running smoothly, which seems great in theory, but the problem comes with whom it chooses to cull— anyone your Sims haven't interacted with lately— so that might be old friends, old family, or even ghosts. This causes a bunch of problems; relationships already decay quickly in the game, so that best friend you haven't called in a few weeks? Well, she's deleted now. Oh, and that ghost in your family tree? Well, now it's been culled from the game and that spot in your family tree is vacant : The again, by the talented Neia does exactly what it says, and it's essential for anyone who wants to keep their family trees intact and play with all the Sims they've created or befriended. You can easily do your own culling by periodically going through the neighborhood menu and deleting Sims manually and you can keep an eye on your population by downloading this. This is a must-have for any player, in my opinion! I've finally added one of the most popular, albeit risque mods for the Sims 4 to this page-. I'll be completely honest with you- I do not use this mod in my game woohoo under the covers is just fine with me, haha , but if you want to have more fully animated X-rated options for woohoo in the game, this is the mod for you. Note: You must be 18 and older to visit the site! 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